Johnson Matthey Supported Teacher Training

Johnson Matthey is a global leader in sustainable technologies, working across a variety of sectors to make the world cleaner and healthier. With a rich history spanning over 200 years, the company is committed to innovation and excellence in everything it does.

STEM Teacher Training Programs

STEM Teacher Training Programs are designed to equip educators with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively teach STEM subjects—science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. These programs often involve workshops and hands-on training sessions conducted by experts to enhance teachers’ abilities to engage students in STEM learning.

8 Days Teacher Training Workshop

From April 1st to April 8th, 2024, Johnson Matthey supported a Teacher Training Program held at Ram Krishnaa Academy, Vidyadhiraj Charitable Trust, New Panvel, Maharashtra. The program aimed to empower educators with the tools and techniques needed to incorporate STEM principles into their teaching methodologies.

Benefits of Teacher Training

Teacher training programs offer numerous benefits to both educators and students. Educators gain valuable skills and confidence in teaching STEM subjects, while students benefit from enhanced learning experiences and increased engagement. By fostering a collaborative learning environment, these programs promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation among students.

Advantages of Hands-On Learning

Hands-on learning is a cornerstone of STEM education, allowing students to actively engage with concepts and develop practical skills. By working on real-world projects and experiments, students gain a deeper understanding of STEM principles and learn to apply them in innovative ways.

Johnson Matthey’s Commitment to STEM Education

Johnson Matthey is committed to promoting STEM education in India and around the world. Through initiatives like the Teacher Training Program, the company aims to inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers, and innovators, ensuring a brighter future for all.

India STEM Foundation

India STEM Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting STEM education and innovation in India. By providing resources, training, and support to educators and students, the foundation strives to bridge the gap in STEM education and empower individuals to succeed in the 21st-century workforce.

In conclusion, the Teacher Training Program supported by Johnson Matthey and organized by India STEM Foundation exemplifies the power of collaboration in advancing STEM education. By investing in teacher training and hands-on learning opportunities, companies like Johnson Matthey are helping to shape the future of education and inspire the next generation of STEM leaders.