What is STEM Works for Schools?
STEM works for school is a drive-by India STEM Foundation where we welcome instructors, teachers, and principals who are individuals from the STEM people group to give information and direction to the understudies who will seek after their vocations or are interested in STEM.
About Ms Selena D’Souza –Principal Chubby Cheeks Spring Valley High School, Goa
The Founder, Manager and Headmistress of Chubby Cheeks Spring Valley High School has 30 years of experience in education and is passionate about working with children. She is involved in social and cultural activities, has various hobbies and is a member of the Rotary Club of Bardez Coastal. She is also committed to inclusive education and has established a resource room for special needs children. The Headmistress has been recognized for her excellence in education by several organizations, including the Lions Club of Calangute.

About Chubby Cheeks Spring Valley High School, Goa
Chubby Cheeks Spring Valley High School is located in Pilerne, Porvorim, Bardez, Goa. It offers classes from pre-school to standard X. The founder, manager and headmistress of the school is Mrs Selena Maria D’Souza Po, who has a passion for working with children and has been in the field of education for over 30 years. The school is known for its inclusive education approach and has a resource room for special needs children.

About Mr Bhuvan Verma
A visionary organization pioneer, pinnacle-rated creator, a human geographer, Mr Bhuvan has some first-rate achievements added to his repertoire, some of which might be blue sky-battery managed carts, greenfield-virtual labs and so on.
The Interview
Ms Selena D’souza highlighted the new ways how learning has been implemented at Chubby Cheeks. She also threw light on how both students and Faculties are doing their respective contributions towards making STEM education at the institution more effective. Faculties at Chubby Cheeks Spring valley are taking up training courses to be well-versed in Robotics and AI. As they say, learning never ends; Chubby Cheeks implements the same both for their students and faculties. Ms D’souza declared the importance of new edge technologies and how STEM plays an important role in decision-making and problem-solving in a student’s life.
What are the initiatives taken by the Chubby Cheeks Spring Valley High School to encourage STEM education in the curriculum?
Students at Chubby Cheeks are taught through modern technology-driven tools such as Multimedia, Smart class and specially designed hands-on training activities. The science teachers involve the students in working for the principal matters of the core concepts so as to brush their fundamentals from time to time. Apart from this, the school also conducts activities throughout the year so as to enhance problem-solving and creativity skills of the students.
What are some of the STEM challenges that students are going to face in the near future?
Just as in the past, a major chunk of generations who were never introduced to technology before have had their major share of challenges while learning how to use technology in the current scenario, in the same way students might face a stiff challenge when it comes to learning new techniques such as Robotics, AI, coding etc. Thus, the key is to keep practising and getting used to these technological tools to avoid hassle-free use in the near future.
How to deal with Failure?
Failing in life is extremely important. If students don’t fail at things, they will never know how to do something in the most correct way. As rightly being said that “failure is the stepping stone to success” thus until and unless students don’t fail at what they are doing, they will never know what exactly they are good at. Thus, Failure must be accepted with open arms, and students must always hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Why is it important to get Hands on training?
In order to understand what students are good at, they must have a prior practical experience of the work they are aiming to do. Thus, for the purpose of this, every student must go through hands-on training. Activities that involve the practical aspect of jobs through hands-on training at such a young age will create an interest for students to do something that they like to do. Hands-on training also provides a clear check platform where students get to evaluate whether they want to continue the work that they are doing or they have any other interests.
For Students
– Students must be encouraged to get hands-on training on their area of interest
– Students must make sure that they get used to learning and re-learning the latest core technological tools such as Ai, Robotics, Coding, etc.
– Failure is a stepping stone of success, thus students must learn from it rather than getting too attached to it.
For Educators
– Hands-on training is essential for students to ensure their interest and progress in their respective fields.
For institutions
– Institutions must include hands-on training activities into the curriculum so that students can make the most use of this.
– Institutions must make sure to use the most of the STEM principles are taught from time to time for students to brunch their fundamentals
– Institutions must make sure the delivery of STEM is provided through the latest technologies
Know More About STEM Works for Schools
STEM works for schools aimed at providing students with a chance to learn from top educators from partner schools, colleges and institutes and to seek guidance and learn from their experiences.
Mission and Vision
The mission is to contact a greater group and to outfit the most outrageous number of students with the help and direction of STEM works for schools. To give students pieces of information on STEM subjects and related callings significant entryways and help them with checking the new advancements associated with STEM in the world. Work with students with a chance to be coordinated by top aides from prestigious schools, colleges and associations.
Who Do We Invite?
We invite all the educators that are joined with us in our mission from different prestigious training institutes, from schools, colleges, and universities all over India, who are in partnership with ISF and are playing an essential role in making STEM accessible to all.
Benefits Of Getting Interviewed at STEM Works for Schools?
● Make yours and your institute’s ideologies related to STEM reach out to millions of students globally. Enhance students’ knowledge with new ideas and innovations.
● Inspire young minds by boosting their curiosity with your mission and vision about STEM and help them to bring their creative powers to become the innovations of the new world.
● Help us create free STEM resources for everyone. Students’ despite of their locations and backgrounds are able to access the knowledge of STEM.
● Create a strong alliance with India STEM foundation to collaborate and connect on multiple different grounds to host multiple different events and competitions in their city and give their children a learning and fruitful experience.
● Get to be a part of a strong knit STEM community in India and provide children with an opportunity to develop good careers around STEM.
● Stand out to be a STEM leader amongst the others. Motivate others to be a part of the change too.
How Can You Get Invited?
Scroll down to get to know about the procedure to be an ISF partner institute.
Does My School need to be An ISF Partner Institute?
Yes, it is mandatory to be an ISF partner school along with following the STEM Curriculum, bringing changes from elementary to high school level. This will help them develop 21st Century skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity and teamwork.
Is there A Fees to Become an ISF Partner Institute?
No, there are no fees to be an ISF partner Institute all you need to sign a MoU. If you have the will to bring a better change into the world and have a positive approach towards STEM. Join us now if you’re willing to join us on the journey.
Is there A Fees to Become an ISF Partner Institute?
No, there are no fees to be an ISF partner Institute all you need to sign a MoU. If you have the will to bring a better change into the world and have a positive approach towards STEM. Join us now if you’re willing to join us on the journey.
India STEM Foundation (ISF)
Contact Us.
You can be a part of the STEM education conference in India if you’re a member of the panel.
How Can You Join the Panel
Be an ISF partner institute, tie with ISF India and be a part of the STEM education conference in India- PANEL.
The meetings will be held on online platforms.
The major topics of discussion will be the changes to be made in the curriculum, how educating STEM subjects affects lives, the attitude change of students towards STEM, and how students respond to the events and competitions. We have already conducted our first STEM Works for Schools Conclave- 1st Edition, where educators and principals, along with STEM figures, shared their views on making India STEM Smart.