What is STEM Works for Schools?
STEM works for school is an initiative by India STEM Foundation where we invite educators who are a member of the STEM community to impart knowledge and guidance to the students who are willing to pursue their careers or are curious about STEM.

About Ms. Una Roy Chowdhury, Principal of Alpine Convent School, Gurugram
Ms. Una Roy Chowdhury has done her B.Ed. in Biology from Jadavpur University, MSc. In life science from Visva Bharati and PG diploma in management from University of Madras. She has served as principal in various namely schools and has a teaching experience of over twenty years.

About Alpine Convent School, Gurugram
Alpine Convent School is a co-educational private school in Gurgaon, running under the guidance of principal Ms Una Roy Chowdhury. It was established in 1996 and has four branches; Sector 10, Sector 38, Sector 56 and Sector 67. It comes under top ten schools in Gurgoan. It is an ISF partner institute, it shows active participation in the activities organized by India STEM Foundation and supports the mission and vision of STEM.
About Mr Bhuvan Verma
He serves as the Head of CSR and Strategic Partnerships for the India STEM Foundation, A visionary people leader, bestselling author, and human geographer, Mr Bhuvan has some wonderful accomplishments under his belt, some of which are BlueSky- battery Powered rickshaws, greenfield- virtual labs etc.
The Interview | The Questions and Answers Round
Ms Una Roy Chowdhury, principal of alpine convent school, Gurugram, lit the torch on some common doubts of students on STEM subjects. She shared her views and opinion on the asked questions with utmost honesty. She motivated students to try STEM Subjects and break away from the barriers of myths about STEM. She motivated students to enhance their knowledge and promoted them to bring out their creative and innovative selves.
What are some myths/misconceptions around STEM Education?
There are many times most students do not understand the importance of STEM and they assume that it will be related to research and laboratory jobs. STEM is something which is much more about creative thinking and innovation and teaches the students about some very necessary 21stCentury life skills.
What are the qualities of a good team player?
A team is just like a platform, it is like a lifeboat in the pacific ocean. If you’re alone all you’ll be is independent, being independent is not the key word here, being interdependent is, and you will have to learn to be complementary to each other. Learn to give up on your minor ambitions and aim for the larger perspective of the team’s goal.
What is Integrated Inquiry and why is it Important?
Most people usually wonder about what inquiry is. Inquiry is the keyword for innovation. Inquiry is the key to any kind of Innovation. Every discovery starts with the word “Why”. If you have to be innovative you must be an inquirer.
How to deal with failure?
Failure is a big word; we should consider it as learnings. You do not fail if you do not work. It’s a journey, there are times you get success but sometimes you don’t, but you’re learning shouldn’t stop, you face failure or success, and you should be ready to face all the consequences.
How does STEM education helps students transition between schools and colleges better?
STEM provides some necessary skills which help a child during the transition between school and college. It is not only about four subjects, it is much more about the overall development of their personality. There are endless possibilities in STEM and infinite opportunities too. You have a world to conquer, you just have to spread your wings to fly and discover new heights unknown.
For Students
- Students should not stick to the myths and misconceptions around STEM, they should try and pursue it if they develop a liking for the subjects.
- Students should develop qualities such as teamwork, perseverance, technical knowledge, determination etc.
- Students should participate more in events and contests organised in STEM.
For Educators
- An educator must make things similar and more relative to real-world problems.
- Identify and mould the talent of students to their benefit.
- Teach the students to deal with both failures and successes.
- Motivate students to learn from their mistakes and get back stronger and keep moving always.
For Institutions
- Knowledge should not be limited to the four walls of the school, setting up labs and motivating students towards competitions will not only
broaden their view of the world but also enhance their confidence.
- Knowledge should not be limited to the four walls of the school, setting up labs and motivating students towards competitions will not only
broaden their view of the world but also enhance their confidence.
- Be a leading STEM smart institute in your city, portray an example for other.
- To help the students gain more information that will help them expand their prospects and the options around STEM.
Know More About STEM Works for Schools
STEM works for school aims on providing students with a chance to learn from top educators from partner schools, colleges and institutes and to seek guidance and learn from their experiences.
Mission and Vision
The mission is to reach a larger audience and to provide the maximum number of students with help and counselling of STEM works for schools. To provide students with insights on STEM subjects and related career opportunities, and also help them keep track of the current events related to STEM in the world. Facilitate students with a chance to be guided by top mentors from prestigious schools, colleges and institutes.
Who Do We Invite?
We invite all the educators that are joined with us in our mission from different prestigious training institutes, from schools, colleges, and universities all over India; who are in partnership with ISF and are playing an essential role in making STEM accessible to all.
Benefits Of Getting Interviewed at STEM Works for Schools?
- Make yours and your institute’s ideologies related to STEM reach out to millions of students globally. Enhance students’ knowledge with new ideas and innovations.
- Inspire young minds by boosting their curiosity with your mission and vision about STEM and help them to bring their creative powers to become the innovations of the new world.
- Help us create free STEM resources for everyone. Students’ despite of their locations and backgrounds be able to access the knowledge of STEM.
- Create a strong alliance with India STEM foundation to collaborate and connect on multiple different grounds to host multiple different events and competitions in their city and give their children a learning and fruitful experience.
- Get to be a part of a strong-knit STEM community in India and provide children with an opportunity to develop good careers around STEM.
- Stand out to be a STEM leader amongst the others. Motivate others to be a part of the change too.
How Can You Get Invited?
Scroll down to get to know about the procedure to be an ISF partner institute.
Register your school with India STEM Foundation to be the leading STEM school in your city. Here are the frequently asked question-
Does My School need to be An ISF Partner Institute?
Yes, it is mandatory to be an ISF partner school along with following the STEM Curriculum, bringing changes from elementary to high school level. This will help them develop 21st Century skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity and teamwork.
Is there A Fee to Become an ISF Partner Institute?
No, there are no fees to be an ISF partner Institute all you need to sign a (MOU). If you have the will to bring a better change into the world and have a positive approach towards STEM. Join us now if you’re willing to join us on the journey.
India STEM Foundation (ISF)
Contact Us.
You can be a part of the STEM education conference in India if you’re a member of the panel.
How Can You Join the Panel
Be an ISF partner institute, tie with ISF India and be a part of the STEM educating conference in India- PANEL.
The meetings will be held on online platforms.
The major topics of discussion will be the changes to be made in the curriculum, how educating STEM subjects affects lives, the attitude change of students towards STEM, and how students respond to the events and competitions.